1. To develop Regional Centres of excellence
2. To provide relevant and responsive programmes that address national and regional issues in SEAMEO’s areas of specialization
3. To strengthen the organizational capability to initiate and manage change and development to meet the challenges of globalization
4. To ensure continued financial viability
5. To promote research and development (R&D) in education, science and culture and improve the dissemination mechanism
6. To enhance collaboration among Member Countries and relevant organizations
7. To be ASEAN’s strategic partner for the advancement of education, science and culture
8. To facilitate the development of harmonized education standards
9. To be a regional leader in the advancement of education, science and culture
1. Education
a. 21st Century Skills
· Character education
· Entrepreneurship education
· Information and Communication Technology
· Language and literacy
· Scientific and technological literacy
b. Continuous professional development for teacher and education personnel
c. Education For All (EFA)
· Basic education
· Early childhood care and education (ECCE)
· Education in emergencies
· Lifelong learning
· Reaching the unreached
· Special education
d. Education for sustainable development (ESD)
e. Higher education
f. Technical and vocational education
2. Culture
a. Archaeology and history
b. Arts and design
c. Cultural diversity and regional identity
d. Heritage preservation and cultural management
e. Traditions and values
3. Science
a. Agriculture
b. Biodiversity and biotechnology
c. Disaster management
d. Food and nutrition
e. Natural resources and environmental management
f. Preventive health, reproductive health education and life skills development