Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization



SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts


Hosted by the Government of Thailand, SEAMEO SPAFA cultivates awareness and appreciation of cultural heritage; promotes and enriches archaeological and cultural activities in the region; and furthers professional competence in the fields of archaeology and fine arts to advance mutual knowledge and understanding among SEAMEO Member Countries.




SEAMEO Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network


The SEAMEO TROPMED Network has three Regional Centres located in Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. Each Regional Centre is lodged in a national university in the host Member Country. The Network’s Central office is hosted by the Government of Thailand in Bangkok. It’s overall role is to promote health and to prevent and control tropical diseases and public health problems. The Central Office coordinates the programmes and projects of the Regional Centres, and executes regional projects and activities.




SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Microbiology, Parasitology and Entomology


The SEAMEO TROPMED Malaysia, located at the Institute for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur, conducts research for the prevention and control of diseases and provides specialized training, diagnostic, consultative and advisory services. It promotes health management as a collective responsibility of government, the private sector, non-government organizations, the community and individuals.


18. SEAMEO TROPMED Philippines


SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Public Health, Hospital Administration, Environmental and Occupational Health


The SEAMEO TROPMED Philippines, based in the College of Public Health of the University of the Philippines in Manila, conducts research and training in the fields of public health, rural medicine, hospital administration, environmental and occupational health, health policy and management.




SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Tropical Medicine


The SEAMEO TROPMED Thailand, hosted by the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University in Bangkok, offers training on endemic tropical diseases, parasitology, community and preventive medicine. It also conducts researches on alternative control measures of diseases and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, including trials of new chemotherapeutic compounds and new vaccines. It provides clinical care to patients suffering from tropical diseases.




SEAMEO Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training


Hosted by the Government of Brunei Darussalam, SEAMEO VOCTECH assists in improving the management of vocational and technical education and training (VTET) in SEAMEO Member Countries. The Regional Centre strives to develop and deliver relevant programmes in VTET to meet the local, national and regional needs in socio-economic, industrial, business and labor markets.


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