Director of SEAMEO Secretariat Visited Beijing

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

At the invitation of the ACC, Dr. Witaya Jeradechakul, Director of the SEAMEO Secretariat, visited Beijing from 23-24 May 2013, attending the 1st ACC-GPDE-SEMEO Joint Meeting and the 1st ACC- SEAMEO coordination meeting of paying visits to relevant departments and institutions under the Chinese Ministry of Education. 

Dr. Witaya Jeradechakul met with Mr. Zhang Xiuqin, Director- General of International department of Cooperation and Exchanges of the Chinese Ministry of Education and Ms. Gao Ying, Deputy Director-General of the Central Institute for Vocational and Technical Education (CIVTE), and had talks with Mr. Wang Lisheng, the Deputy Director-General of China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Centre (CDGDC), Ministry of Education, Mr. Yang Yinfu, Deputy Director-General of the National Centre for Education Development Research (NCEDR), and Mr. Shao Wei, Secretary-General of China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE).

SEAMEO is a regional inter-governmental organization, established in 1965 among the governments of Southeast Asian countries  to promote cooperation in education, science and culture in the region.