The 1st ACC-GPDE-SEAMEO Joint Meeting Held at ACC

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

The 1st Joint ACC-GPDE-SEAMEO Meeting was held on 23 May 2013. ACC Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang attended the opening ceremony to welcome all the guests. Mr. Shi Guanghe, consultant from the Asian and African Division of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Chinese Ministry of Education attended and addressed the meeting on behalf of Inspector Liu Baoli. 

The delegations headed by Dr. Witaya Jeradechakul, Director of the SEAMEO Secretariat and Ms. Gong Ning, Director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Education, and the ACC staff of Education, Culture and Tourism Division had full discussions about and reached consensus on a tripartite joint commission, a regular mechanism for meetings under such a commission, a trilateral cooperation agreement, program design for the 6th China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week (CAECW), as well as other education exchange programs. 

The 6th China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week will be held in Guizhou on 16-22 September 2013. The tripartite joint commission is a cooperation mechanism initiated by the ACC that involves SEAMEO and the Guizhou Provincial Department of Education in a joint endeavor to provide support and service to the CAECW and advance education cooperation and exchanges between China and ASEAN.