The 3rd "My ASEAN & China" Multi-Media Exhibition Held

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 23 May 2013, the 3rd "My ASEAN & China" multi-media exhibition: Charming Viet Nam and the 2nd exhibition of the tour series "Khemer Smile" were held in Guangxi Normal University.

President Liang Hong of the University, Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), Vietnamese Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Nguyen Van Tho and his wife, the artist Ms. Rita Zhao and her husband, Croatian Ambassador to China, Mr. Ante Simonic attended the opening ceremony together with about 900 teachers and students of the University.

In his speeches, President Liang Hong put an emphasis on the educational cooperation between Guangxi Normal University and ASEAN Member States. Guangxi Normal University has set up cooperation with over 100 ASEAN universities and institutions and 65 percent of the overseas students in the Uuniversity are from ASEAN such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. During the past ten years, the Uuniversity has educated almost 6,000 ASEAN students and every year about 600 ASEAN students attend Chinese Summer Camp in the University.

Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang said in his speech that ASEAN and China are good neighbors and friends. As the only inter-governmental organization co-established by ASEAN and China, the ACC aims to promote their cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture and tourism. He hoped this exhibition could deepen the mutual understanding and strengthen ASEAN-China friendship. The ACC would like to work with Guangxi Normal University to push forward practical cooperation, promote mutual trust and enhance cordial relations between ASEAN and China.

Vietnamese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Nguyen Van Tho said that connected by mountains and rivers and interlinked with cultures, the comprehensive strategic partnership between Viet Nam and China is are moving forward steadily. More than 13,000 Vietnamese students are now studying in China, nearly one third of those in Guang Xi. This exhibition would truly promote friendly exchanges and mutual understanding between ASEAN and China. 

This exhibition featured 300 photos taken in Viet Nam and Cambodia by Ms. Rita Zhao. With her professional angel and unique art style, Ms. Rita Zhao has brought a lively and vivid natural beauty, historic relics and local customs to the viewers. She also delivered two lectures of Inspiration of Ankor Wat and Charming Viet Nam to the university students.