ASEAN-China Centre Hosted ASEAN-China Young Education Officials Cooperation Forum

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 16 September 2013, the ASEAN-China Young Education Officials Cooperation Forum---the Role of the Youth and the Future Development was held in Guiyang, Guizhou Province of China. The Forum, hosted by ACC, organized by Guiyang University, supported by Guizhou Provincial Department of Education and Beijing Foreign Studies University, was under the umbrella of ASEAN-China Education Cooperation Week sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education and organized by Guizhou Provincial Department of Education. 

About 30 young Officials from the MOE of China, MOE, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassies of Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philipines, Singapore and Thailand, Guizhou Provincial Govenment, and some representatives from Chinese universities participated in the Forum. The officials from China and ASEAN introduced current education development in China and ASEAN respectively, and had intense discussions and exchanges on the issues of common interests, like the development of vocational education, the employment of university graduates and how to better promote ASEAN-China education cooperation, etc. 

The Forum created a platform for the young officials from education authorities of ASEAN and China and helped to foster friendship and to enhance understanding on each other's education systems. The Forum also provided an opportunity to brainstorm potential areas of future cooperation and exchanges for the young education officials from both sides at the working level.The officials from both sides appreciated ACC for its efforts in building up network among them, and wished the Forum could be a mechanism that would be held annually. 

Mr. Tri Purnajaya, the Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ACC concluded the Forum. He expressed, ACC, the international inter-governmental organization founded by the governments of China and ASEAN Member States, has been committed to promoting ASEAN-China cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture and tourism. Education is the foundation of a country, and the path to peace and prosperity. ACC will continuously make endeavors to promote China -ASEAN practical cooperation in the field of education, and create more communication platforms for the youth  from ASEAN and China.