Cambodian parliament chief hails excellent ties with China
Source: Xinhua
Time: 2013-Oct-29 16:47

PHNOM PENH, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian President of the National Assembly Heng Samrin on Monday expressed his satisfactions with China-Cambodia relations and cooperation and vowed to further enhance for the benefits of the two countries and peoples.


He made the remarks during a meeting with Lei Yulan, vice- chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the China's Guangdong Provincial People's Congress.


"I'm very satisfied with growing ties and cooperation between Cambodia and China," he said. "Your visit will double possibility for the two countries to strengthen and expand friendship relations and traditional solidarity."


He said hundreds of Chinese companies have been investing in Cambodia and their investments are essential to help develop the local economy.


"China is the largest investor in Cambodia and also one of our leading trading partners," he said.


Heng Samrin said that from 1994 to 2012, total Chinese investment in Cambodia has reached over 9 billion U.S. dollars, while the two-way trade was valued at 2.9 billion U.S. dollars last year and is expected to reach 5 billion U.S. dollars by 2017.


For her part, Lei Yulan said China and Cambodia have had longstanding friendship and cooperation and the relations have been further developed through the constant exchanges of visits by both sides' top leaders and officials at all levels.


She said her visit was to contribute to further enhancing the bilateral ties, especially in conserving cultural and artistic values as well as developing tourism.


Later in the day, Lei held a talk with Mom Chhim Huy, chairman of the National Assembly's Commission on Education, Youth, Sports, Cults, Religions, Culture and Tourism.


She had also met with Minister of Culture and Fine Arts Phoeung Sakuna.


Lei arrived in Cambodia on Oct. 25 for a five-day visit.

Editor:Xu Rui
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