“Spending Holidays in ASEAN and China” ACC's Online Photo Competition Successfully Concluded, Attracting Nearly 600,000 Weibo Fans

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

“Spending Holidays in ASEAN and China” Online Photo Competition, organized by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), was successfully held on ACC Weibo for 2 months from 16 December 2013 to 16 February 2014. The event was also publicized by China Radio International (CRI) and the Weibo of the Royal Thai Embassy in China, and won great acclaim from the public. 

ACC made an initial announcement on this project on its Website and Weibo on 13 December 2013. The project was divided into 2 phases, with each phase ran for 1 month respectively. During the event, the contestants, who shall be ACC Weibo fans, posted original photos on the event page of ACC Weibo, and people cast votes for their favorite photos. Photo winning most number of votes was awarded Most Popular Photo Prize. Other prizes including Most ASEAN-flavored Photo Prize, Most China-Flavored Photo Prize and Most Professional Photo Prize were selected by ACC panelists. ACC announced the names of prize-winners on its Weibo and sent the prizes out to the winners.

The photo competition attracted over 200 ACC Weibo fans who posted about 400 photos in relation to the theme of the project on the event page of ACC Weibo. These well-taken photos record their wonderful moments of spending holidays in ASEAN countries and China, and showcase beautiful sceneries, unique customs and traditions as well as diversified holiday cultures of ASEAN and China. Such photos as the Spring Festival in Singapore and the Lantern Festival in Cambodia were widely posted and publicized. Nearly 600,000 Weibo fans cast 1.5 million online votes for their favourite photos. The contestants provided the best photos they wished to share and looked forward to be the winners in the photo competition. 

The contestants expressed their warm welcome to the photo competition. They thanked ACC for organizing this meaningful event to let them express their feelings about the places they visited both in ASEAN countries and China. They opined that the competition has inspired more and more people to eagerly follow the development of ASEAN-China relations and activities of ACC, and wished for a brighter future of ASEAN-China relations and ACC.

 “Spending Holidays in ASEAN and China” Online Photo Competition is one of the concrete activities of ACC to commemorate the ASEAN-China Cultural Exchange Year in 2014. The competition has helped to further promote people-to-people exchanges between ASEAN and China through tourism and cultural cooperation, and built a new bridge for ACC to reach out to its Weibo fans and the public at large.  

ACC Weibo was launched on 17 October 2011. Up till now it has over 1.3 million followers. Through this such concrete event, it is expected that the general public will learn and understand more how ACC has actively worked to enhance ASEAN-China relations and connectivity.