Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang Met with A Member of the Malaysian Senate

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 18 April 2014, Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, a member of the Malaysian Senate. Secretary-General Ma led Dr. Koh tour the photo exhibition on the development of ACC and ASEAN-China relations at the ASEAN Hall of ACC, and briefed on the organizational structure and development of ACC. He highlighted ACC’s efforts in promoting bilateral trade, investment and tourism between ASEAN and China, and provided data between ASEAN and China in the above-mentioned fields as well as ACC's publications such as China-ASEAN Panorama, ACC Newsletter and China-ASEAN Watch as Dr. Koh required. 

Secretary-General Ma and Dr. Koh exchanged views on a wide range of issues covering China-Malaysian and ASEAN-China relations. They also discussed how to understand statistic data of ASEAN-China trade, investment and tourism released by various channels. Both sides were of the views that it is important for China and ASEAN countries to increase exchange and cooperation on data collecting with the aim of promoting bilateral cooperation in all fields. 

Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon is the former Minster in the Prime Minister's Department of Malaysia and Chief Minister of Penang (State).

Mr. Tri Purnajaya, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division, and officials from Trade and Investment Division and Information and Public Relations Division of ACC joined the meeting.