Cambodia launches new 50,000-riel banknote to celebrate king's birthday
Source: Xinhua
Time: 2014-May-7 16:53

PHNOM PENH, May 6 (Xinhua) -- The National Bank of Cambodia on Tuesday officially issued a new 50,000-riel banknote (in equivalent to 12.5 U.S. dollars) in order to mark King Norodom Sihamoni's 61st birthday, which falls on May 14.


A sub-decree on the issuance of the new banknote was endorsed by Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday.


The new bill displays a portrait of late King Father Norodom Sihanouk on the obverse and a picture of an ancient temple on the reverse, according to a statement from the bank. Its main colors are super yellow and brown.


King Norodom Sihamoni was born on May 14, 1953. He was inaugurated and formally anointed as the king of Cambodia on October 29, 2004 after his father late King Norodom Sihanouk abdicated due to health problems.

Editor:Xu Rui
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