ACC Held Sharing Meeting with ASEAN Commercial Counsellors

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 2 July 2014, Mr. Mouavixay Palee, Deputy Director of Trade and Investment Division (TID) of ASEAN-China (ACC) held a sharing meeting with the counsellors of economic and commercial affairs from ASEAN Embassies in Beijing for the better implementation of TID’s undergoing projects in 2014 and work plan for 2015. Eight commercial counsellors attended the meeting to share their thoughts on the events and activities to promote the economic and trade relations between ASEAN and China. 

Mr. Palee expressed his gratitude to all ASEAN commercial counsellors for their consistent support to ACC’s efforts to promote trade and investment between ASEAN and China in its formative years. He updated on TID’s projects in 2014, particularly on TID’s pioneering initiatives. Mr. Palee also sought their advice and further support for the new projects, such as the Trade and Investment Golf in ASEAN (TIGA), ASEAN-China SMEs’capacity building programme and trade missions of  Chinese representative enterprises to ASEAN. 

The counsellors congratulated TID on its achievements in building the ASEAN Products Trade Centre in Yiwu and forging the China-ASEAN investment consortium while holding in high regard ACC's efforts to promote pragmatic cooperation in the areas of trade and investment. The counsellors emphasized that ASEAN was to accomplish the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015, which would bring about abundant business opportunities as well as challenges. Once again the counsellors pledged their support to ACC's future activities and events, aiming at SMEs' better utilisation of CAFTA preferential policies. 

Consensus was reached at the sharing meeting that such gatherings would be held regularly and TID would lead the networking of ASEAN-China business circles to facilitate two-wayl trade and  investment.