ACC Lecture Series on "ASEAN-China Relations" as a Warming-up Activity to Promote “ACC Cup - Understanding ASEAN-China Relations” Essay Contest

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 6 July 2014, Ms. Lada Phumas, Director of Information and Public Relations Division (IPRD) of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC),gave the lecture at Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, while Ms. Cao Ting, Deputy Director of IPRD, gave the lecture at Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, on 2 July 2014. Beijing Jiaotong University and Dalian Jiaotong University were the last two universities in a roll which ACC had visited to give the lectures on “ASEAN-China Relations” to further enhance ASEAN-China strategic partnership and to raise awareness about ACC from May to July 2014. ACC had visited other universities around China including Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications, Xi’an, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Yangtze Normal University, Chongqing, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, and Qinghai University for Nationalities, Xining.

At Beijing Jiaotong University, at approximately 150 students actively participated in the lecture. Director Lada elaborated on ASEAN and its current focus on ASEAN Community building, comprising ASEAN Political Security Community (APSC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC), ASEAN Connectivity and ASEAN in relations with its dialogue partners. Highlight was on ASEAN-China relations with its background and development, a significance of ASEAN in its strategic partnership with China in different dimensions and vice versa, as well as China's support for ASEAN centrality in regional cooperation frameworks in East Asia. The students were also equipped with knowledge about ACC, its roles and activities to further enhance the robust relationship between ASEAN and China. Director Lada encouraged the students to join ACC's essay contest as they represent a group of young generation who is the future of ASEAN-China relations and could positively contribute to the future relationship in the next decade to come.    

During the lecture at Dalian Jiaotong University, Deputy Director Cao Ting reviewed the remarkable development of ASEAN-China relations and highlighted the fruitful achievements of ASEAN-China strategic partnership, including the realization of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, and enhanced all-dimensional connectivity, particularly people-to-people connectivity against the backdrop of 2014 ASEAN-China Cultural Exchange Year. She expressed expectations that the students in ASEAN and China shall not only be the beneficiaries of ASEAN-China relations, but also be participants and supporters of this important partnership. She encouraged the students to join the ACC essay contest, share their understanding of the significance of ASEAN-China relations as well as to give suggestions, from the youth’s perspective, for the better and sustained development of ASEAN-China relations. Many students expressed eagerness to participate in the ACC essay contest.

The ACC lecture series on “ASEAN-China Relations” was a warming-up activity to promote “ACC Cup - Understanding ASEAN-China Relations” essay contest, initiated by ACC. The essay contest ran from May to October 2014, aiming to raise public awareness of ASEAN-China relations and ACC, especially among the young generation.

By the deadline of essay submission on 31 July 2014, ACC received qualified 168 essays from the students in 17 universities.

By the end of September 2014, 21 Prize Winners were selected through a reliable grading system putting forwarded to the officials from ASEAN Embassies in Beijing, who were the honorary judges of the contest.

A prize-awarding ceremony is scheduled to be held at ACC ASEAN Hall on 23 October 2014. The Prize Winners have a great opportunity to visit the ACC Secretariat, collect the trophies and the certificates from ACC. Besides, the prize-winning essays were compiled into ACC essay collection and ready to be distributed to the relevant universities and ASEAN Embassies in Beijing, etc.