“Touring ASEAN with Diplomats” Microblog Interview with Indonesian Ambassador via ACC Microblog

Source:ASEAN-China Centre


On 17 July 2014, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) conducted “Touring ASEAN with Diplomats” microblog interview via ACC microblog, inviting the Indonesian Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Soegeng Rahardjo, who assumed the ambassadorialship in China in March 2014, as the guest of honor of the interview. 
On 16 July 2014, ACC made an announcement through its microblog and wechat about the microblog interview, inviting all interested ACC microblog fans to join this event. The announcement was so warmly received that over 37,000 fans read and noted it, and many fans were thankful to ACC for offering them a rare opportunity to interact with the Indonesian Ambassador, and were enthusiastic to chat online with the Ambassador.     

During the 1-hour interview, Ambassador Soegeng answered in Bahasa Indonesia and English the questions raised by the microblog fans. The record of the interview on microblog was bilingual in both Chinese and English, covering a wide range of issues, including Indonesia-China relations, prospects of trade and education cooperation between the two countries, Indonesia’s role in the process of ASEAN Community building, as well as the beautiful sceneries, colorful culture and rich tourism resources in Indonesia. 

On Indonesia-China relations, Ambassador Soegeng emphasized that the result of the election in Indonesia would not change the relationship between Indonesia and China. If any, the relationship would be stronger and more comprehensive. Indonesia-China relations would contribute towards a greater peace, stability and prosperity in the region. 


n trade cooperation between Indonesia and China, Ambassador Soegeng introduced that trade ties between the two countries have been growing. In 2013, bilateral trade stood at USD 68.6 billion. In 2015, hopefully it would reach USD 80 billion, and in 2017 it would reach USD 100 billion.

On education cooperation, Ambassador Soegeng said that currently around 13,000 Indonesian students are studying in China and about 1,000 Chinese students in Indonesia. There are 7 Confucius Institutes in Indonesia. More and more Indonesian students choose to study in China instead of the US and Europe.

On Indonesia’s role in ASEAN Community building process, Ambassador Soegeng expressed that ASEAN has been the cornerstone of Indonesia’s foreign policy. Indonesia will try to promote stability and prosperity in the region, and contribute positively to the 3 pillars of ASEAN Community, which are political and security, economic and social-cultural pillars. 

On Indonesia’s culture and tourism resources, Ambassador recommended renowned Indonesian delicacies such as Nasi Goreng and Kopi Luwak to the fans. Ambassador Soegeng Rahardjo also shared with the fans many tourist destinations in Indonesia which were worth visiting. Besides Bali, there are also Bunaken, Raja Ampat and Wakatobi for diving, the Komodo islands and Thousand islands, as well as the world’s largest Buddhist temple Borobudur and many Chinese temples in Semarang.

The interview was interactive and lively, and concluded with great success. About 150,000 fans watched the interview online. 

Ambassador Soegeng expressed appreciation to ACC for facilitating the interview, and helping reach Indonesia out to the Chinese general public. The Indonesian Embassy would also like to get assistance from ACC to facilitate the opening of the Embassy’s official microblog account.  

The microblog interview helped to increase ACC microblog fans to reach 1.5 million. Press release on the Microblog interview was posted on ACC Website and published in China-ASEAN Panorama magazine (August) and China Report (September). Live coverage about the interview was posted on ACC Microblog during the interview. 

"Touring ASEAN with Diplomats” microblog interview series, initiated by ACC in 2012, aim to raise the awareness about ASEAN in China through the eyes of ASEAN diplomats. For the past years, ACC has organized microblog interviews via ACC microblog with guests of honor including former Indonesian Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Imron Cotan, Thai Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Wiboon Khusakul and a Brunei diplomat in China. These interviews were warmly received by microblog fans and enhanced mutual understanding between the peoples of ASEAN and China.