ACC Met Focal Points of the ASEAN Embassies in Beijing

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 7 August 2014, officials of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) and the focal points of ASEAN Embassies in Beijing met and exchanged views on how to further enhance ASEAN-China cooperation.

Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang of ACC briefed on the recent work of ACC, expressed his appreciation to the ASEAN Embassies in Beijing for their continued support, and looked forward to more interactive communications and cooperations between the two sides. The focal points of ASEAN Embassies in Beijing commended on the recent ACC's work and activities, took note of the new projects and pledged their continued support to ACC.

The meeting was a continued ACC Working Group activity since the last Working Group Meeting on 25 April 2014, and also in response to the call by the 3rd Joint Executive Board (JEB) and Joint Council (JC) meetings of ACC in December 2013 to have more interactions with ASEAN Embassies in Beijing to improve ACC's work.

Mr. Mouavixay Palee, Deputy Director of Trade and Investment Division (TID), Mr. Tri Purnajaya and Mr. Wang Daoyu, Director and Deputy Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ECTD), Ms. Lada Phumas, Director of Information and Public Relation Division (IPRD), Ms. Pu Xiaojun, Development and Programme Planning Officer of ACC joined the meeting.