Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang Led Chinese Trade and Investment Mission to Indonesia

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

From 19 to 24 August 2014, Mr. Ma Mingqiang, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), led a Chinese Trade and Investment Mission to Indonesia. The mission was co-organised by ACC and the Embassy of Indonesia in China. It was consisted of 9 Chinese business people who were seeking investment opportunities in Indonesia.

The purpose of the mission was to promote functional cooperation in investment between China’s private sectors and Indonesia’s local and central governments, and business communities.  It also aimed to raise and broaden the understanding of each other’s economic potentials and enhance business links between China and Indonesia, the largest economy in ASEAN.

H.E. Mr. Soegeng Rahardjo, Indonesian Ambassador to China, took a special trip back to Indonesia to attend the major events of the mission. The sectors represented by the Chinese investors, including agriculture, real estate, oil and gas, infrastructure, sea farming, mining, logistics, environment, etc.

During the trip, ACC held two presentations of Indonesia-China Business Potentials and Business Matchings, one in Bogor in conjunction with the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI), and the another in Jakarta with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN). Secretary-General Ma, Ambassador Soegeng, Junaidi Hamsyah, Governor of Bengkulu Province, Bima Arya Sugiarto, Mayor of Bogor, and Mayor of Tual (Southeast Maluku) attended the events. At both events, the Chinese investors had one-on-one discussions with Indonesian officials and entrepreneurs from various areas and sectors of Indonesia.

At the events, Secretary-General Ma said that in an age when the focus of the world economy has been shifting to East Asia, China values Indonesia as one of the most important destinations for investment in ASEAN. In 2012, the trade volume between Indonesia and China hit the 66 billion USD, marking more than doubled in the short span of three years. China stands as the largest trade partner of ASEAN. Given the substantial economic complementarity and huge comparative advantages between Indonesia and China, there remain enormous economic potentials yet to explore to the full. Chinese entrepreneurs should follow the momentum of rapid growth of ASEAN-China relation and seize the opportunity to make more investments in Indonesia, especially in profitable sectors. Secretary-General Ma pointed out that closer economic relations and cooperation between Indonesia and China would not only help boost the economic growth of the two giant developing countries but also make contributions to the regional stability and prosperity. In the mutual interests of the two countries, both Indonesia and China wish for the ever prosperity of each other and their neighbours. He hoped that Indonesia would always have a seat in the express train of China’s rapid economic growth. Such virtuous interactions between the two countries will engage all stakeholders not only as supporters, participants, but also beneficiaries of ASEAN-China rapport. He pledged ACC’s constant efforts to push forward cooperation in all fields and promote investments between ASEAN and China.

Ambassador Soegeng said that during his tenure in China, he would focus on trade, culture and tourism as three key areas to further strengthen the relations between Indonesia and China. He pointed out that the two-way investment between the two countries still lags far behind the rapid development of bilateral relations. It is among his top priorities to convert the bonus of the China economic growth to the tangible welfare of the Indonesian people. On behalf of the Indonesian Government, he reiterated his heartfelt welcome to more Chinese investors and tourists to Indonesia.

The Provincial Governor and two Mayors of the Indonesian side made presentations on the sectors and specific projects in quest of Chinese investments. All local officials of Indonesia, who were present at the presentations, promised to help within their power provide and improve investment environment for potential Chinese investors. HIPMI expressed its sincere wish to undertake more activities as ACC’s partner to promote trade and investment between the Indonesia and China.

After the events, Secretary-General Ma led the Chinese delegation to a meeting with Mr. Mahendra Siregar, Chairman of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), in Jakarta. Secretary-General Ma proposed at the meeting to establish more business-to-business partnerships between Indonesia and China so as to materialise the potential projects of cooperation. Chairman Mahendra expressed his interest in the projects proposed during the trip and promised to closely monitor the progress once they came on stream.