ACC Conducted Capacity Building Projects for Tourism Professionals in Brunei and Indonesia

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

From 18 to 23 August 2014, ACC organized 4 workshops in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, Bandung and Jakarta of Indonesia, as part of its Capacity Building Project for Tourism Professionals in ASEAN. Teachers from Guilin Institute of Tourism were invited to give lectures on general introductions to Chinese history and culture, tourism market updates, Chinese Muslim community and e-business of travel. The events were joined by around 580 participants, who were trade insiders with travel agents, hotels, airlines,tourism institutes, travel trade associations and governmental agencies. The presentations received very positive feedback and active involvement from the listeners by raising various questions of their interest to teachers. 

Aiming at attracting more Chinese travelers with improved services, these workshops were the first ones of the capacity building project set forth for tourism professionals in ASEAN designed by ACC to further increase the understanding of the Chinese travel market for both governmental agencies and travel and trade agents in ASEAN. ACC would carry out similar events in other ASEAN Member States.