Tai Chi Class for ASEAN Diplomats and Spouses Launched

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

"Tai Chi", shortened from "Tai Chi Chuan", is the most famous Chinese arts & culture and philosophy and is practiced worldwide as a graceful form of exercise. It emphasizes an integration of physical fitness and psychological health. Some people know it as "meditation in motion" or "the soft and the  pliable which will defeat the hard and strong". 

As a one-stop activity centre to promote awareness and understanding of this Chinese arts & culture among the Members, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) kicked off a Tai Chi class for ASEAN diplomats and spouses at ACC ASEAN Hall on 1 August 2014, lasting for one month. Ms. Ureerat Ratanaprukse, Minister and DCM of the Royal Thai Embassy in Beijing, led the ASEAN delegation to attend the class. 

At the opening ceremony of the Tai Chi class, ACC Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang, who also attended the class, extended a warm welcome to all participants, and expressed that Tai Chi has been associated with many health benefits including improving physical and mental balance, building physical strength, reducing stress, anxiety and enhancing spiritual and peaceful mood. He wished that ASEAN diplomats and spouses would learn more about Tai Chi, experience this Chinese culture, enjoy good health and peaceful mind.

As recommended by the General Administration of Sports of China, ACC chose the Tai Chi 24 postures, which are one of the most popular style of Tai Chi in China, for the practice. The classes were conducted in five courses and was taught by a professional teacher from Wushu College of Beijing Sport University. When the classes were concluded, the participants mastered the basic postures of the Tai Chi 24 postures.

The participants from ASEAN Embassies expressed their appreciation to ACC for organizing this meaningful class which was beneficial to the participants’ health and mind. They enjoyed practicing the Tai Chi and were impressed by effective outcomes from the practice. The class also provided a good opportunity for creating a networking among all participants. Press release on the class was posted on ACC Website. Realtime information was posted on ACC Microblog.