ACC Organized Vocational Education Delegation of Laos to Visit Zhejiang Province

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

From 26 to 29 October 2014, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) organized the Lao vocational education delegation to visit Zhejiang Province. The delegation, led by Deputy Director-General Phouvieng Phonumilay of Technical and Vocational Education Department, Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) as the head of delegation, and Director Soulikhamkone Sisoulath of Vocational Education Development Institute as the deputy head of delegation, comprised 14 delegates from 6 technical and vocational colleges and 4 technical and vocational schools, as well as 2 officials from TVED, MOES. This visit was a follow-up activity of Chinese Vocational Colleges’ ASEAN Tour to Laos,  China-Laos Partnership Workshop on Vocational Education, organized by ACC, was held in May 2014. 

This Visit aimed at implementing the MoUs between the two sides and seeking more partners, in order to strengthen China-Laos functional cooperation and exchanges on vocational education. The delegation visited Zhejiang Yalong Educational Equipment Joint-Stock Co., Ltd., Wenzhou University, Jinhua Polytechnic College and Zhejiang Yuying College of Vocational technology. Mr. Wang Daoyu, Deputy Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ACC, Ms. Huang Yingying, Education Assistant of ACC and representatives from Yalong Educational Equipment Company accompanied the delegation. 

On 27 October 2014, the Laos delegation visited Zhejiang Yalong Educational Equipment Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. Mr. Chen Jiquan, Chairman of Yalong Company and Mr. Chen Chuanzhou, General Manager of Yalong Company met with the delegates, and briefed on the company’s development condition, education equipment, international cooperation and future development ideas. The delegation also visited Yalong research institute, engineering technology research center, pilot workshop, and cultural exhibition hall. They spoke highly of the advanced vocational education ideals, such as development scale, technical research power, talents training mode, and were deeply impressed by the superior educational equipments. They hoped to import related equipments soonest, and master the usage method. In the afternoon, the delegation visited Wenzhou University. Mr. Huang Shaoming, Vice President of the University met with the delegates, and briefed on the school-running history, development condition, courses offered, characteristic specialties and recruitment policy for foreign students. Later, the delegation visited mechanical engineering training base, listened to the introduction on the training machines, and expressed strong desire for cooperation.

On 28 October 2014, the Lao delegation visited Jinhua Polytechnic (JP), and was warmly welcomed by Mr. Hu Zhengming, Chairman of College Council of JP and Ms. Yang Yan, Vice President of JP. The delegation visited the mechanical and electronic engineering school and beer production line training base, and was very much impressed by the modern facilitates. In the following meeting, the delegation had an indepth discussion with college leaders, and both sides agreed to have cooperation on dispatching Chinese teachers of JP to colleges in Laos and organizing Laos students to study in JP.

On 29 October 2014, the Lao delegation visited Zhejiang Yuying College of Vocational Technology (ZYCVT), and was warmly welcomed by Mr. Hong Zhiping, President of ZYCVT and Mr. Wang Xiyao, Chairman of College Council of ZYCVT. The delegation visited simulation cabin of airplane A330, art and design example training base in Zhejiang, originality studio and college history room, listened to the introduction of relevant person in charge. In the meeting that followed, the delegation was briefed on the college's development and history, training ideas, talents training goal, international cooperation, as well as the achievements over the past 16 years since its establishment, while the delegates introduced their respective majors that they wished to have collaboration. At the end of the meeting, both sides agreed on dispatching 2 teachers of tourism and hotel management school in ZYCVT to 4 colleges in Laos who were eager to cooperate with each other in January 2015 for furthering the cooperation, recruiting Lao students to study in ZYCVT, setting up a class for Laos students, as well as offering scholarships to the Lao side.

Before visiting Zhejiang Province, the Lao delegation attended the World Federation Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) World Congress 2014 which was held in Beijing on 24-26 October 2014, and the ASEAN-China Seminar on Cooperation in TVET, held by ACC, on 25 October 2014.

The visit was sponsored by China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) and Zhejiang Yalong Educational Equipment Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. and supported by the relevant colleges.