Meeting between IPRD of ACC and Information and PR Officials of ASEAN Embassies in Beijing

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 11 February 2015, Ms. Lada Phumas, Director of Information and Public Relations Division (IPRD) of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), hosted a working lunch for the information and public relations officials of ASEAN Embassies in China. Representatives from the Embassies of Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam actively participated in this informal meeting. 

The meeting was convened with a view to sharing information, seeking support and strengthening face-to-face interaction with the ASEAN Embassies. It started with an introduction of the IPRD team and the representatives from the ASEAN Embassies for future networking, followed by a briefing on the mid-term review of IPRD’s work in the context of ACC mid-term review, as well as exchanging views on IPRD’s proposed projects and activities in 2015. 

Director Lada extended her heartfelt thanks to the ASEAN Embassies for their ever strong support to IPRD and ACC over the past years, and looked forward to closer cooperation between the two sides in the future.

On the mid-term review of IPRD’s work over the past three years, Director Lada stressed that raising awareness about ASEAN-China relations and raise the profile of ACC remains at the heart of IPRD. Bearing on its mandates, IPRD had carried out over 70 PR activities, improved ACC bilingual Website with huge increase of visitation up to 1.59 million in 2014, and increased ACC Microblog fans to over 1.7 million by the end of 2014. Besides, IPRD had created future networks with the young generation through organizing the Lecture Series on ASEAN-China relations at universities around China and “ACC Cup-Understanding ASEAN-China Relations” Essay Contest. Director Lada also shared the experience learnt including active engagement with the young generation to sustain the development of ASEAN-China relations, and using ACC Microblog as a meaningful channel to receive feedback on ACC’s activities from the general public. 

The ASEAN representatives commended and congratulated the good work of IPRD and noted that major activities of IPRD had inspired favorable public feedbacks, raising the popularity of ACC and were conducive to enhanced mutual understanding between the peoples of ASEAN and China.

The IPRD officials briefed on IPRD’s proposed projects in 2015. Director Lada expressed that IPRD would continue to work closely with the ASEAN Embassies to carry out the projects, and encouraged the latter to actively engage in three projects, ie. Lecture Series by ASEAN Ambassadors, “My ASEAN and China” Multimedia Art Exhibition Series, and Microblog Interview Series of “Touring ASEAN with Diplomats”. Director Lada also emphasized the importance of media, and pledged to increase meaningful engagement with mainstream media in ASEAN and China through organizing reporting trips for media from both sides to highlight the achievements of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership.

The ASEAN representatives enthusiastically exchanged views on IPRD’s proposed projects for 2015 which were in line with IPRD’s mandate to increase people-to-people contact, public awareness and mutual understanding. They registered strong interest to engage in IPRD’s projects, and promised to keep close coordination with IPRD in due course. Some representatives even explored the possibilities of joint projects between IPRD and the relevant Embassies.

The meeting was held in a pleasant and cordial atmosphere. It was one of the activities to increase frequency of consultations at the working level as advised by the Joint Council (JC) members at the 4th Meeting of the JC of ACC on 22 December 2014. The ASEAN representatives thanked IPRD for organizing this interactive and informative meeting, and pledged continued commitment to support the work of IPRD and ACC.