Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 1 April 2015, ASEAN China Centre (ACC) officials visited South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre of Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO RIHED), which is located in Bangkok, Thailand. Mr. Tri Purnajaya, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ECTD) and Ms. Sun Xuejing, Education Officer, of ACC, met with Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond, Special Adviser, Ms. Li Zhe and Mr. Philip Patson, Project Officers of SEAMEO RIHED.

Director Tri Purnajaya and Dr. Chantavit briefed on each other's respective work and outcomes in higher education, and were very pleased to review the cooperative programmes between the two sides, such as the establishment of ASEAN-China Cooperation Network for Technological and Engineering Universities (ACNET-EngTech), ASEAN University Study Visits to China, and etc.. The two sides also exchanged views on the collaboration between them in the past two years, and committed to continue their joint efforts to promote relevant cooperative programmes. ACC and SEAMEO RIHED also discussed on ASEAN students cross-border mobility programme initiated by RIHED. Director Tri Purnajaya expressed the desire to facilitate the universities in Guangxi and Yunnan to join the programme to promote students mobility, as well as collaboration between Chinese and ASEAN universities. 

Since ACC and SEAMEO's partnership was established in 2013, both sides co-organized ASEAN Universities Study Visit programmes to China twice, jointly initiated the establishment of ACNET-EngTech, and organized meetings to promote cross-border students mobility with Chinese universities.