ACC Secretary-General Met with TCS Secretary-General

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 17 July 2015, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with H.E. Mr. Iwatani Shigeo, Secretary-General of Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS). Mr. Chen Feng, TCS Deputy Secretary-General, also joined the meeting.

Secretary-General Yang extended her congratulations to TCS for successfully co-hosting the Seminar on East Asia Cooperation with China Foreign Affairs University, and expressed her appreciation to the positive roles played by TCS in promoting regional cooperation. She looked forward to further strengthening exchanges and cooperation between ACC and TCS, so as to make joint contribution to the East Asia cooperation.

Secretary-General Iwatani expressed his gratitude to ACC for its great support to the Seminar on East Asia Cooperation, and highly evaluated ACC’s work in promoting practical cooperation between China and ASEAN. He agreed that TCS should further strengthen cooperation and exchanges with ACC, and work hand-in-hand for the promotion of ASEAN Plus Three cooperation.