ACC Secretary-General Participated in the Second Meeting of the Southeast Asia-China Education Research Network Book Launch Meeting on Guidebook to Education Systems and Reforms in Southeast Asia and China

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 3-4 August 2015, the Second Meeting of the Southeast Asia-China Education Research Network Book Launch Meeting on Guidebook to Education Systems and Reforms in Southeast Asia and China was held in Guiyang, Guizhou Province. The meeting was co-organized by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and National Institute of Education Sciences of China (NIES), and was supported by Guizhou Institute of Technology.

H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ACC, Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, Prof. Liu Jianfeng, Vice-President of NIES, and Dr. Zeng Yu, Chairman of the Council of Guizhou Institute of Technology, and 23 officials, experts and scholars from the Ministry of Education and education research institutes of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam and China participated in the meeting. Chaired by Mr. Tri Purnajaya, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ECTD) of ACC and Dr. Wang Yan, Director of International Division of NIES, all the participants reviewed the outcome of the Phase I (2014-2015) collaborative project, and discussed and proposed suggestions and options for the project in the next Phase (2015-2016).  

Secretary-General Yang expressed in her speech that the Network was among the most sustainable and productive cooperation achievements of China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week (CAECW). Within just one year of its establishment which was jointly initiated by ACC, SEAMEO, and NIES, the Network has produced the Guidebook to Education Systems and Reforms in Southeast Asia and China. She expressed her deep appreciation to ACC’s partners, and especially the authors and experts for their knowledge and active participation in the Guidebook. She believed the publication of the Guidebook would significantly contribute to the enhancement of ASEAN-China education cooperation and promote better understanding, and serve as a useful guidance, source of information as well as inspiration to its readers. ACC would remain committed to continue to support the Network for future collaborative activities and projects, and contribute substantively to the development of ASEAN-China relations.

Dr. Gatot from SEAMEO and Prof. Liu from NIES elaborated in their speeches the significance of the Network in deepening ASEAN-China education cooperation, and thanked the contribution and support from each member country. They expressed that, together with ACC, SEAMEO and NIES, they would continue to support the Network, make the next collaborative project a great outcome too, and jointly promote the ASEAN-China exchanges and cooperation in education policy research, education information sharing and think-tanks exchanges. Dr. Zeng Yu from Guizhou Institute of Technology expressed his support to themeeting, and sincerely hoped ACC, SEAMEO, and NIES could continue to provide guidance and support to the Institute in exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN counterparts.

The Guidebook to Education Systems and Reforms in Southeast Asia and China was the outcome of the Phase I collaboration under the Southeast Asia-China Education Research Network which was co-initiated and established in June 2014 by ACC, SEAMEO and NIES. Coordinated by NIES, authors from the Ministry of Education or education research institutes of ASEAN and China compiled the Guidebook in English, which systematically introduced the education system, curriculum framework, key indexes and statistics. Sponsored by ACC, the Guidebook would be published in Bangkok, Thailand, soon.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Secretary-General Yang visited Guizhou University and met the President, Prof. Zheng Qiang. Prof. Zheng briefly introduced the University’s important roles in cultivating talents and supporting the social and development for Guizhou Province. He expressed that Guizhou University had put the exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN counterparts as a breakthrough of the internationalization of the University, and had been actively involved in the CAECW for eight consecutive years. Recently, the University established the ASEAN Research Insitute as a think-tank of the ASEAN studies in order to provide research and consultation for ASEAN-China education cooperation and to cultivate talents who could have deep understanding of both ASEAN and China. He thanked ACC for its continuous support and hoped ACC could continue to provide guidance and support to the University.

Secretary-General Yang appreciated Prof. Zheng Qiang for his contribution to promoting the development of Guizhou University and deepening exchanges and cooperation with its counterparts in ASEAN, as well as the establishment of the ASEAN Research Institute. She expressed that education was one of the priorities of the ASEAN-China cooperation. ACC had been devoted to promoting ASEAN-China exchanges and cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture and tourism, and education was also ACC’s priority. ACC would spare no efforts in supporting Guizhou University to deepen its intercollegiate exchanges with ASEAN, and jointly achieving new outcomes in ASEAN-China education cooperation.