Route 3A Connects China with ASEAN

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

In 2011, ASEAN Foreign Ministers took part in the road trip along Route 3A (R3A), from Chiang Rai Province in northern Thailand to Kunming in southern China to observe development and potential along the route, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations. That year, they attended the launching ceremony of “2011 ASEAN-China Friendship and Exchange Year” and an ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Kunming. 

ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), as the only inter-governmental organization co-founded by the governments of ASEAN and China to promote ASEAN-China functional cooperation on trade, investment, education, culture and tourism, organized a “Reporting Trip” by Chinese media to have first-hand experience on ASEAN Community 2015 and ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership in its second decade on 1-8 August 2015 by taking the media delegation along this R3A from Jinghong of China to Chiang Rai of Thailand.

On 1 August 2015, the “Reporting Trip” was successfully kicked off in Kunming, where the Chinese media delegation, comprising 8 journalists and reporters from, 21st Century Business Herald, Caijing Magazine, China-ASEAN Panorama, Beijing Mirror Evening News, Global Times Online and China Report, met and interviewed Mr. Suchart Liengsaengthong, the Royal Thai Consul-General in Kunming. The delegation was accompanied by Ms. Lada Phumas, Director of Information and Public Relations Division (IPRD) of ACC, who acted as the moderator of the interview session.

The Thai Consul-General Suchart had an interactive discussion with the Chinese journalists in a friendly atmosphere, focusing on the topic of “Connect China with ASEAN through R3A”. He emphasized a pivotal role played by R3A as it was the shortest route connecting the southern part of China to Laos and Thailand. The route helped boost ASEAN-China connectivity both in terms of infrastructure connectivity as well as people-to-people linkages. It also enhanced economic and trade development in the related areas. R3A had made a considerable contribution to promote bilateral trade & investment and people exchanges & visits between Thailand and China (Yunnan). While mentioning about the advantages and opportunities arising by the R3A, the Thai Consul-General opined on some challenges and offered some recommendations so that the countries concerned could further cooperate and consult and be able to fully utilize the R3A.

The Chinese media delegates were interested in various issues such as the benefits of R3A to the Chinese and the Thai people, R3A in the context of “One Belt One Road” initiative, prospect of ASEAN-China relations through R3A, future construction of the rail link between China and Thailand in light of the existing R3A, and related activities to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Thai-China diplomatic relations in 2015. This all made the interview informative, educative and resourceful. It helped the Chinese media have reasonable background and understand more in depth about the significance of the route, ASEAN-China relations as well as Thai-China relations.

From 1 to 8 August 2015, the delegation was scheduled to visit Yunnan Province of China, Luang Namtha and Bokeo Provinces of Laos, and Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, and Lampang Provinces of Thailand, a part of which was via Route 3A. The major cities and towns to be visited include Kunming, Jinghong, Mohan, Boten, Houayxay, Chiang Khong, Chiang Saen, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and Lampang.