Chinese Media Delegation Interviewed at Mohan Economic Development Zone of Yunnan Province

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 2 August 2015, the Chinese media delegation joining the “Reporting Trip” left Jinghong of Xishungbanna to Mohan, a small town located in the southernmost tip of Yunnan Province bordering with Laos, by taking three hour and a half road trip for approximate 180 kilometers via Route 3A (R3A). 

At Mohan, the journalists, accompanied by Ms. Lada Phumas, Director of Information and Public Relations Division (IPRD) of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), interviewed Mr. Hu Wenchang, Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Foreign Affairs of the Management Committee of Mohan Economic Development Zone, and Mr. Zeng Yong, Director of General Affairs of Xishuangbannan Zhongjin Investing Corp.

At the interview Director Hu mentioned that thanks to its strategic location and the establishment of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), Mohan had witnessed a rapid increase of trade in goods on Kunming-Bangkok International Highway in recent years. The tonnage of the trade between China and Laos passing through Mohan had almost doubled from 2012 to 2014. The projected Pan-Asian Railway linking Kunming and Bangkok passing Mohan would further raise Mohan’s role in the ASEAN-China connectivity and cooperation. In line with the development strategies against the backdrop of the realization of ASEAN Community in 2015 and ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership in its second decade, the Central Government of China officially ratified in July 2015 the establishment of the Mohan Economic Development Zone, which would serve as the pilot area of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership, a hub of Kunming-Bangkok International Highway, China’s regional import and export processing base, business service base and logistics and distribution base facing ASEAN.

Director Zeng said that the unique location of Mohan, the preferential trade arrangements under the ACFTA, and the huge economic capacity and potential of China were the three main factors that attracted business people from China, Laos and Thailand to invest in Mohan. Zhongjin Investing Corp., which Director Zeng was representing, had been one of the upstarts that places hope on the business opportunities brought about by the R3A and the boosting connectivity between China and ASEAN. At the interview, he expressed high hope that the relevant authorities of the three countries would further act and coordinate to enhance ASEAN-China connectivity. 

At the meeting, Director Lada encouraged the businesspeople to learn about the details and benefits of the ACFTA and make full utilization of the preferential trade arrangements under the ACFTA. She wished the Management Committee of Mohan Economic Development Zone a bright future in light of the development of ASEAN-China relations as well as the current and new initiatives such as the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), Lancang-Mekong Dialogue and Cooperation and “One Belt One Road”.

After the interview, the delegation, accompanied by Director Zeng, made a site-visit to the storage, logistics and service bases of Zhongjin Investing Corp., and the International Fair of China, Laos and Thailand. At the Fair, the journalists also talked to the Thai sellers at the Thai-product shop.

Mohan was the second stop of the “Reporting Trip” by the Chinese media organized by ACC to have first-hand experience on ASEAN Community 2015 and ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership in its second decade. Positioned as the National Class-A Port of Entry on route of Kunming-Bangkok International Highway, Mohan would be coming to prominence as a hub of the ACFTA, linking China with Laos and Thailand.