ACC Secretary-General Met with Director-General of Malaysian Foreign Ministry

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 15 October 2015, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with Director-General H.E. Dato’Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob and Deputy Director-General Astanah Abdul Aziz of ASEAN-Malaysia National Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. DDG Astanah has also been the ASEAN Co-chair of the Joint Council (JC) of ACC. Both sides exchanged views on Malaysia-China relations and ASEAN-China relations.

Secretary-General Yang said that Malaysia and China were sincere friends of mutual trust and reliable partners for mutual benefit and win-win results. Malaysia-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership enjoyed sound momentum, and had borne rich fruits of cooperation. Malaysia was China’s largest trade partner among ASEAN countries. Last year, both sides celebrated the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations and issued a joint communiqué which charted the future course of bilateral ties.

Secretary-General Yang congratulated Malaysia for successfully assuming the ASEAN Chair. She stated that ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership entered the Diamond Decade. Jointly building a Community of Common Destiny, 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and implementing the “2+7”cooperation framework were the consensus of both ASEAN and China for its future cooperation. By the end of 2015, ASEAN Community would be realized. 2016 would mark the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations. ASEAN and China should keep pace with the time, and make innovative efforts to further move forward the Strategic Partnership.

Secretary-General Yang thanked the Malaysian Foreign Ministry for its strong support to ACC as always. She briefed on ACC’s work in 2015, highlighting ACC’s mandate to promote functional cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture and tourism. She pointed out that ACC would work closely with the Malaysian Foreign Ministry, and actively participate in the 25th anniversary commemorative activities, so as to forge a solid foundation for the sustained and sound development of Malaysia-China and ASEAN-China relations.

DG Shahrul and DDG Astanah appreciated ACC’s efforts to promote ASEAN-China friendship and functional cooperation. They said that Malaysia and China enjoyed close and cordial relations. ASEAN viewed China as one of the most important dialogue partners. ASEAN-China relations were of strategic significance. Malaysia supported China’s proposal to designate 2016 as the Year of ASEAN-China Educational Exchange and stood ready to work closely with China to push ASEAN-China relations to a new height. The Malaysian Foreign Ministry pledged continued support to ACC, and expected ACC to achieve more in its future work. Secretary-General Yang and DDG Astanah also discussed the preparation work for the 5th JC Meeting of ACC.

On the same day, Secretary-General Yang met with Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia H.E. Mr. Huang Huikang, and Secretary-General of ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) H.E. Mr. Kim Young-sun, and exchanged views on their relevant work.