ACC Secretary-General Met with Vice President of China Public Diplomacy Association

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 3 November 2015, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with Vice President of China Public Diplomacy Association Mr. Zhang Jiuhuan. Secretary-General of China Public Diplomacy Association Mr. Liu Yutong and Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division (GACD) of ACC Ms. Huang Ying were present at the meeting.

Secretary-General Yang briefed on ACC’s work. She said that ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership entered the Diamond Decade and enjoyed robust development. ASEAN-China functional cooperation had borne rich fruits. ACC and the Association shouldered similar tasks to enhance mutual understanding and friendly cooperation between ASEAN and China. ACC stood ready to work together with the Association to promote functional cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, so as to elevate ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership to a new height.

Vice President Zhang Jiuhuan commended ACC’s remarkable achievements in promoting ASEAN-China relations and boosting functional cooperation. He pledged the Association’s commitment to strengthen communication, share experience and deepen cooperation with ACC, with a view to instilling new vitality to the overall development of ASEAN-China relations.