ACC Secretary-General Met with President of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 16 November 2015, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with Mr. Zhou Mingwei, President of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration (CFLPA). Ms. Chen Shi, Vice Editor-in-chief of CFLPA and President of China Report Magazine, Ms. Zhao Jun, Vice Editor-in-chief of China Report,and Mr. Huang Yulong, Assistant President of China Report, were present at the meeting.

Secretary-General Yang briefed on the development of ASEAN-China relations and the mandate of ACC, expressing that the bonds of friendship between the peoples formed an inexhaustible resource and a driving force for the progress of ASEAN-China relations while media had been playing a crucial role in strengthening the understandings and friendship between the peoples of both sides. CFLPA had made significant contributions to boosting the connectivity between China and other parts of the world. With a view to cultivating a favourable atmosphere for the further development of ASEAN-China relations and consolidating public support for such development, ACC was keen on taking the opportunity of the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations to strengthen cooperation with CFLPA and its affiliated media to carry out exchange of visits between ASEAN-China media along with other forms of people-to-people exchange and cooperation.

Mr. Zhou Mingwei expressed his appreciation for ACC’s conscientious efforts to boost people-to-people connectivity and extended his thanks for ACC’s support to CFLPA’s work. He briefed on CFLPA’s achievements in network media, traditional publications, theoretical research, overseas distribution, etc. He looked forward to cementing closer ties with ACC to promote cooperation in the area of information and media by exploiting to the full the respective advantages of the two organizations so as to enhance the sound development of ASEAN-China relations.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping visited an exhibition on the history of CFLPA after the meeting.