ACC Secretary-General Met with Vice Director of Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Kunming

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 30 November 2015, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with Vice Director of Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Kunming Municipal People’s Government Ms. He Yunping.

Vice Director He Yunping briefed on the exchanges between Kunming and ASEAN countries, and the work plan for 2016. She said that Kunming enjoyed unique geographical advantages. This year the Chinese State Council approved to set up the Dianzhong New Area of Yunnan Province, which brought about new opportunities for Kunming’s development. Kunming hoped to further enhance connections with ASEAN countries, facilitate enterprises to go abroad and expand economic cooperation with ASEAN. Kunming attached importance to people-to-people exchanges with ASEAN, and would continue to hold activities including Kunming-Bangkok International Highway Photo Exhibition and Kunming Week. Having forged sister cities with some major cities in ASEAN, Kunming would give a full play to this advantage and move Kunming-ASEAN functional cooperation to a higher level. Kunming expected to get continued support and assistance from ACC in the future.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping introduced ACC’s recent efforts to enhance ASEAN-China functional cooperation. She expressed that the just concluded 18th ASEAN-China Summit in Kuala Lumpur reached important consensus on furthering ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership. Next year would mark the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations as well as the Year of ASEAN-China Educational Exchange. ACC would actively participate in or organize commemorative activities and make new contribution to deepen ASEAN-China functional cooperation in economic, trade and people-to-people exchanges. ACC would like to strengthen communication with Kunming, explore potentials and play a positive role to boost exchanges and cooperation between Kunming and ASEAN.