ACC Participated in the 1st General Assembly of ACNET-EngTech in Bangkok

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 12-13 November 2015, the 1st General Assembly of ASEAN-China Network for Cooperation and Exchanges among Engineering and Technology Universities (ACNET-EngTech) was held at Mahidol University of Thailand. Education Officer of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Ms. Zhang Jing participated in the event and made a presentation.

The Network was established in September 2014, composed of the Chinese Excellent Alliance of Universities (E9) and 8 ASEAN universities participating on a voluntary basis, with the support of ACC and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO RIHED). The Network of prominent engineering and technology universities of China and ASEAN countries aims at promoting ASEAN-China education and science collaboration, establishing cooperation mechanism for the regional engineering education, as well as strengthening culture and talents exchanges, so as to contribute to the common development in economies and societies of both sides. 

The 1st General Assembly of ACNET-EngTech in Bangkok was the first Board Meeting since its establishment and was participated by over 40 representatives from SEAMEO RIHED and 13 member universities of the Network as well as ACC. Prof. Udom Kachintorn, President of Mahidol University, delivered the welcoming address. President Li Jiajun of Tianjin University, on behalf of Chinese Permanent Presidency briefed on the background and current development of ACNET-EngTech, as well as the agenda of the Meeting. Director Yang Fuling of the International Department of Tianjin University reported on the work progress in 2015 and the future focus of the Network. The Meeting discussed the strategy to move forward, and among others, decided that Mahidol University of Thailand would hold the Permanent Presidency from ASEAN’s side, China Northwestern Polytechnical University would be the rotating Chair for 2016, and Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember of Indonesia would be the rotating Chair for 2017, and deliberated on the work program of the next phase.

Ms. Zhang Jing, in her presentation, informed the Meeting on the overview and development of ASEAN-China education relations, the achievements thus far, goals and opportunities in the future. She also briefed on ACC’s efforts in promoting ASEAN-China functional cooperation, particularly in the field of education and stated that ACC would continue to provide strong support to ACNET-EngTech, and join hands to contribute to more positive results of the 2016 Year of ASEAN-China Educational Exchange, as envisaged by the leaders of both sides.