Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 17 December 2015, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre(ACC), H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with Director of Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden Mr. Miao Jianhua in Nanning City. The Secretary of the Party Committee of Botanical Garden Mr. Liang Jingxu, the Executive Vice Director of ASEAN-China Ttraditional Medicine Exchange and Cooperation Center Ms. Yao Lin participated in the meeting.

Mr. Miao Jianhua introduced the general information of Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden. Established in 1959, the main function of the botanical garden was to collect, preserve and display the traditional medicinal plant resources, develop the characteristics of Chinese medicine and ethnic medicine products, undertake the important task of spreading the culture of traditional Chinese medicine. By the end of 2014, the botanical garden had a collection of nearly nine thousand species and certified by the Guinness headquarter in U.K as the world largest medicinal botanical garden. With the increasing of the influence of traditional Chinese medicine and international exchanges, a traditional medicine exchange and cooperation center was established in June 2013, and capacity building workshops for professional skills of medical plant development and protection were held for Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar (CLVM countries) since 2014. Now, the botanical garden was working closely with the Chinese government and relevant departments of Guangxi Autonomous Region to build an ASEAN-China traditional medicine information center, and was willing to take the next year’s 16th traditional medicine international conference as an opportunity to further strengthen communication and cooperation with ASEAN countries.

Secretary-General Yang highly appreciated the development model of Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden for promoting technology research with resource reservation, enhancing industrial development with technology research, and strengthening resource reservation with industrial development. She said that Chinese traditional medicine was a precious treasure and China was experienced in the protection and development of relevant traditional resources, and many ASEAN countries enjoyed rich natural resources in traditional medicine. ACC was willing to help Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden to enhance cooperation and exchanges with ASEAN countries to seek new opportunities for cooperation to benefit even more people from both sides.