ACC Organized Capacity Building Projects to Promote Tourism in the Philippines and Malaysia

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

Working closely with the Department of Tourism of the Philippines and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Malaysia, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) held Chinese Tourists’ Service Matching Projects in Manila and Cebu of the Philippines on 8 and 11 December 2015 and in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 9 December 2015 respectively,H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ACC participated. The participants of the Workshops were officials from the Tourism Board, local officials, tour operators and enterprises as well as academics. Four experts from Guilin Tourism University, invited by ACC, shared their knowledge and expertise on general introduction of Chinese tourism, a brief introduction of Chinese outbound tourists to ASEAN countries, e-commerce in travel industry and exploiting Chinese tourist market and tourism industry development and tourism planning. H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ACC, opened the Workshop/Seminars and delivered remarks.

During the session of “General Introduction of Chinese Tourism” , the expert briefed on China’s history, geographical features and cultural heritage to provide a comprehensive concept of China to the participants. The expert also focused on the characteristics of Chinese food, tea and silk culture, Peking Opera, Chinese Kung Fu and other tourism related elements.

In “Introduction of Chinese Outbound Tourists to ASEAN Countries” session, the expert reviewed the history of tourism exchanges between ASEAN and China, and the current status of ASEAN tourism products on Chinese market against the backdrop of the rapid development of Chinese outbound tourism market. The expert analyzed the traditional and classical products which were popular during the past years, the trend and influence of emerging new products, as well as the consuming habits of Chinese outbound travelers and the ways to improve services.

In the session of “e-commerce”, the expert introduced the current status and influence of Chinese on-line travel agency (OTA), analyzed the features of marketing, sales, tour operation and ground service of OTA and its difference from traditional travel agency. The speaker emphasized on the importance of developing e-commerce to enhance ASEAN-China tourism exchanges and ways to establish networks with Chinese OTAs. In “Tourism Industry Development and Tourism Planning” session, the expert took Guilin City and Yangshuo County as models to illustrate a significance of tourism planning, and how it would help develop more competent tourism products. 

The participants had an interactive discussion with the experts during the Seminars, which were highly anticipated and well received by the local tourism industry. They praised ACC for introducing and conducting the capacity building projects. These Workshops/Seminars provided the participants with new insights, valuable information and experiences learned on the characteristics and cultures of the Chinese market, as well as the marketing and planning strategies, enhancing better understanding and accession to the Chinese market.