TV Crew from ASEAN Countries Visited ACC

Source:ASEAN-China Centre


On 10 December 2015, a 15-member TV crew from 6 ASEAN countries of Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand visited ASEAN-China Centre (ACC). The delegation, hosted by the International Cooperation Department of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China (SAPPRFT), was scheduled to visit the Cities of Beijing, Shanghai and the Provinces of Fujian, Yunnan, Guangdong and Hainan on 9-22 December 2015, to strengthen cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and ASEAN media.

At ACC, Ms. Lada Phumas, Director of Information and Public Relations Division (IPRD), took a lead in welcoming the delegation in its interactive meeting and friendly discussion with Mr. Li Yuan and Mr. Mouavixay Palee, Director and Deputy Director of Trade and Investment Division (TID), Mr. Sun Jianhua and Ms. Hong Mee Jien, Deputy Directors of Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ECTD) and General Affairs and Coordination Division (GACD) respectively.

Director Lada extended a warm welcome to the ASEAN crew delegates, introduced ACC against the backdrop of the development of ASEAN-China relations as well as ACC's roles as an information and activities centre, reaffirmed ACC's efforts in promoting ASEAN-China functional cooperation in the mandated areas and in supporting the implementation of the important consensus by the leaders of ASEAN and China. She also highlighted the significance of media as a gateway to bridge mutual trust, understanding and cordial friendship between the peoples of ASEAN and China. She thanked the SAPPRFT in providing a timely opportunity for ACC to engage with the ASEAN TV crew during this trip since in 2015 ACC successfully organized the two "Reporting Trips" for both ASEAN and Chinese media and got impressive outcomes. ACC looked forward to furthering cooperation with the media from both ASEAN and China.  

Directors and Deputy Directors from the respective divisions of ACC briefed on their divisional roles and responsibilities. Highlights were the achievements and possible future work of ACC as well as preparations for the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and Year of ASEAN-China Educational Exchange in 2016, etc. The ASEAN TV crew had shown particular interests in ACC's roles in facilitating the "Double 100,000 Students Mobility Plan", supporting the ASEAN Community building and promoting the Chinese initiatives such as "Belt and Road" and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, as well as the future prospect of ASEAN-China relations.

The visit was informative and productive. The ASEAN TV crew members and the accompanying Chinese officials, led by Mr. Li Shaoyan, Senior Project Coordinator of the Chinese Association for Radio, Film and Television Exchange affiliated to SAPPRFT, expressed deep appreciation for the warm hospitality extended by ACC. The interactive discussion and interviews were conducted in a cordial atmosphere.

The TV crew comprised 15 producers, anchoresses, reporters and camerapersons from the National Television of Cambodia, Televisi Republik Indonesia, the Lao National Radio and Television, Radio Television Malaysia, MediaCorp Pte Ltd., and the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand.