ACC Secretary-General Attended the Opening Ceremony of Viet Nam Photography and Painting Exhibition

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 11 January 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping attended the opening ceremony of  "Charming Viet Nam" Photography and Painting Exhibition at the Capital Library of China in Beijing. The Exhibition was hosted by the Vietnamese Embassy and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Viet Nam, and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of China. H.E. Mr. Dang Minh Khoi, Ambassador of Viet Nam to China, Mr. Wang Chen, Assistant Director-General of the Bureau for External Cultural Relations of the Ministry of Culture of China, heads of diplomatic missions of the Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, Cuba, Chile, Mali as well as about 100 representatives from the cultural and art circles and media from Viet Nam and China attended the opening ceremony.

In his remarks, Ambassador Dang Minh Khoi said that 2016 marked the 66th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Viet Nam and China. The Exhibition took place within the context of growing positive momentum in the relations between the two countries. People-to-people exchanges had played its due role in fostering friendly sentiments between the two peoples, which in turn helped lay a solid foundation for the bilateral ties. The Exhibition featured the works of three well-known artists from Viet Nam, namely, Mr. Nguyen Viet Thanh (photographer), Mr. Hoang Hai Thinh (photographer) and Mr. Dang Phuong Viet (painter). Their works depicted the beautiful landscapes of Viet Nam and the smiles of its people. In response to the recent formation of the ASEAN Community, ASEAN Embassies in China would carry out more activities to promote not only each individual ASEAN country but also the ASEAN Community as a whole. Ambassador Dang expressed sincere thanks to Secretary-General Yang Xiuping and ACC for the important contributions to the enhancement of cooperation between ASEAN and China in all aspects.

Assistant Director-General Wang Chen said that the Photography and Painting Exhibition marked the kick-off of cultural exchanges between China and Viet Nam in 2016. China would take the opportunity of the 66th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries to carry outmore cultural exchanges with Viet Nam.

Ambassador Dang Minh Khoi, Secretary-General Yang Xiuping and Assistant Director-General Wang Chen cut the ribbon and toured the Exhibition.

Secretary-General Yang extended her congratulations to Ambassador Dang Minh Khoi on the grand opening of the Exhibition. She expressed that ACC would join hands with the Vietnamese Embassy, and make concerted efforts to promote people-to-people exchanges between Viet Nam and China as well as between ASEAN and China to bear more abundant fruits.