IPRD of ACC Hosted Working Meeting with Major Chinese Media Partners

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 21 January 2016, the Information and Public Relations Division (IPRD) of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) hosted a working meeting with major Chinese media partners of ACC.

20 representatives from 15 media organizations, including Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua Net, People.com, Huanqiu Net, China Daily, China News Service, China Youth Daily, China Education Daily, China Culture Daily, China Report Magazine, ASEAN-China Panorama Magazine, 21st Century Business Herald, Caijing Magazine, Journal of World Education, and China Scholars Abroad Magazine attended the meeting.

Following a briefing on ACC’s highlight projects and activities in 2015, Deputy Director of IPRD Ms. Cao Ting extended her gratitude to the media friends for their efforts over the past years to cover the friendly cooperation between ASEAN and China and ACC’s activities. In 2016 ACC would take the opportunities of the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and the ASEAN-China Year of Educational Exchange to carry out a series of colourful activities. She hoped that the media partners would continue to pay close attention and render support to ACC in the new year while ACC would provide facilitation and service to the media as always.

The media representatives expressed that ACC had made positive contributions to promoting ASEAN-China functional cooperation and enhancing the mutual understanding and friendly feelings among the people of both sides. They pledged to follow, support and cover ACC’s major events in 2016, and publicize ASEAN-China good-neighbourliness so as to create a friendly atmosphere for the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations.

Following the discussion, the media representatives toured a photo exhibition on ACC and ASEAN-China relations in the ACC ASEAN Hall.