ACC Secretary-General Met with Vice Mayor of Yiwu

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 7 January 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met in Beijing with Mr. Xiong Tao, Vice Mayor of Yiwu, Zhejiang Province.

After expressing thanks to ACC for its continued support to the exchanges and cooperation between Yiwu and ASEAN, Vice Mayor Xiong Tao opined that Yiwu, a trade-oriented city, had 13,000 foreign residents. Yiwu enjoyed close trade and economic ties with ASEAN. In 2015, Yiwu-ASEAN trade volume accounted for 9 percent of the city’s total foreign trade, with the growth rate surpassing the city’s overall foreign trade growth rate. The ASEAN-China Products Trade Centre (ACPTC) co-founded by ACC and Yiwu in 2013 opened a new channel for ASEAN products to access China. Yiwu was proactively cultivating the import market and striving to create a more habitable and business-friendly environment for foreign merchants. Yiwu aspired to deepen cooperation with ASEAN in trade, investment and people-to-people exchanges, and looked forward to great support from ACC.

Secretary-General Yang expressed her gratitude for Yiwu’s great support to ACC’s work, particularly in terms of setting up ACPTC and offering preferential policies and facilitation for ASEAN products to enter the Chinese market. The realization of the ASEAN Community provided broader prospects for ASEAN-China cooperation. 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and the ASEAN-China Year of Educational Exchange. ACC stood ready to strengthen communication with Yiwu and continue to play its role as a bridge in elevating the functional cooperation between Yiwu and ASEAN to a new level.