ACC Secretary-General Met with Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office of Brunei

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 27 January 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with Awang Abdul Mutalib bin Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Setia Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yusof, Permanent Secretary (Media & Cabinet) of the Prime Minister’s Office of Brunei.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping briefed on ACC’s work in information and public relations, saying that information and public relations were part of ACC’s focus of work. In 2015, ACC carried out information and PR projects and activities such as the Microblog interview of “Touring ASEAN with Diplomats”, the Lecture Series by ASEAN Ambassadors, a reporting trip by ASEAN media delegation to China themed on “ASEAN and China Jointly Build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, and a reporting trip by Chinese media delegation to ASEAN via Route 3A themed on “Experiencing ASEAN Community 2015 and ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership in Its Diamond Decade”. ACC kept improving its bilingual Website in English and Chinese and upgrading its Microblog and WeChat for better communication with the general public. It also published a well-received brochure entitled “2014 ASEAN and China in Figures” to reflect the achievement of the ASEAN-China cooperation. ACC was always ready to strengthen communication with all information organizations of ASEAN with a view to enhancing mutual understanding between the people of both sides.

Permanent Secretary Abdul Mutalib thanked Secretary-General Yang Xiuping’s briefing and commended ACC for its great job of promoting ASEAN-China media exchange, remarking that media had been playing an important role in promoting exchanges between the countries and mutual understanding between the people. Both sides should make joint efforts to make proper explorations of media to help benefit ASEAN-China relations. The Brunei side attached great importance to its interaction with ACC in the areas of information and public relations to promote experience sharing among media and facilitate better understanding of the development in ASEAN and China. Brunei was ready to take the opportunity of the 25th anniversary of its diplomatic ties with China to strengthen communication with the Brunei Embassy in China, Chinese Embassy in Brunei and ACC, present the achievements of Brunei, China and ASEAN-China relations in a fair and objective perspective, so as to make greater contributions to promoting Brunei-China relations and fostering mutual understanding and friendship between the people.