Beijing ASEAN Cultural Tour Held in China Cultural Centre in Bangkok

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 14 February 2016, at the invitation of Thai-Chinese Cultural and Relationship Council, the project of Beijing Cultural Tour in ASEAN (BCTA), co-sponsored by Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), Thai-Chinese Cultural and Relationship Council and China Cultural Centre in Bangkok, was held in China Cultural Centre in Bangkok for its first presentation in Thailand. Gen. Chetta Thanajaro, former Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Thailand, and now president of World Thailand Boxing Association, Mr. Chen Jiang, Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of China in Thailand, Ms. Lan Suhong, Director of China Cultural Centre in Bangkok, Mr. Qin Yusen, Senior Consultant of China Cultural Centre in Bangkok and guests from business and cultural circles of Thailand totaling round 400 attended the events.

Gen. Chetta appreciated the efforts of the organizers for bringing the BCTA cultural activities to Thailand during Chinese Spring Festival. He pointed out that Thailand and China had a long history of friendship, and cultural exchanges were the corner stone of a solid platform bringing the hearts of the people together and further enhancing the development of the friendly cooperation between the two countries. Beijing, the capital city of China with profound cultural background especially its rich intangible cultural heritage, was well known and admired by the world including the people of Thailand. The BCTA activities provided a great opportunity for Thai people to enjoy authentic Beijing culture without going abroad. He believed that with these exchange activities, the people of both countries would be much more connected and that the friendship between the two countries would be enhanced.    

Mr. Chen Jiang said, at the backdrop of the 41st anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand, bilateral relations of the two countries had become increasingly close. 10 years ago, Thailand only received 700 thousand Chinese tourists in a year, while the total number hit 8 million in 2015. Nowadays, nearly 90% of Thailand's foreign students were from China. Now, China-Thailand railway construction was in full swing and the project would further promote the interconnection, cooperation and development of the two countries after its completion.

Ms. Yu Zhou, head of BCTA Delegation said Beijing and Bangkok were Sister Cities. The delegation was willing to make contributions to strengthen the friendship of the two cities through more cultural exchanges, to utilize these exchanges as platforms to promote China-Thailand cooperation in the field of economy, sports, education, tourism and youth, and to enhance mutual understanding and appreciation of the people between the two countries. 

Mr. Sun Jianhua, Deputy Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ETCD) of ACC said that 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, and ACC would carry out a series of exchange and cooperative projects to enhance the pragmatic cooperation between ASEAN and China. BCTA was the first cultural exchange project jointly carried out in ASEAN Member States by ACC and Chinese governmental and non-governmental organizations. He hoped this project could not only bring joyful festival atmosphere to Thailand, but also enhance Thai people’s understanding of Beijing’s history and culture so as to further extend the friendship between people of the two countries

The presentation of 2016 BCTA to Thailand consisted of intangible cultural heritage handicraft demonstration, folklore performance and photo exhibition of Beijing. Its rich and attractive activities were welcomed and highly praised by the local people.