Beijing Cultural Tour in ASEAN successfully held in Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 16 February 2016, activities of Beijing Cultural Tour in ASEAN (BCTA) were successfully held in Srinakharinwirot University for its third presentation in Thailand. Dr. Chakapong phaetlakfa,Associate Dean for Academic and Research Affairs of the University, Ms. Lan Suhong, Director of China Cultural Centre in Bangkok, Mr. Qin Yusen, Senior Consultant of China Cultural Centre in Bangkok, Ms. Yu Zhou, Head of the BCTA Delegation, Mr. Sun Jianhua, Deputy Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ECTD) of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the event. 

2016 marks the 25th anniversary of the ASEAN-China dialogue relations and it was also designated as the ASEAN-China Year of Educational Exchange. With a view to further enhancing ASEAN-China exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture and education, with the support from the China Cultural Centre in Bangkok, BCTA activities were held in Srinakharinwirot University including intangible cultural heritage handicraft demonstration, folklore performance and photo exhibition of Beijing. The performance was conducted alternatively between Chinese artists and the faculty and students of the Arts Department of the University on the same stage. The activities were warmly welcomed and cheers could be heard endlessly during the event.

Srinakharinwirot University, founded in 1949, is a well-known State University in Bangkok enjoying world reputation. With an emphasis on education for international and practical talents, the University designed Thai-language undergraduate courses specifically for Chinese students, focusing on the cultivation of senior personnels for Thailand-China government exchanges, language of academic research and Thailand-China multinational corporations.