ACC Secretary-General Attended the 2nd ASEAN-China International Youth Football Tournament Activities

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

From 21 to 25 February 2016, the 2nd ASEAN-China International Youth Football Tournament, co-sponsored by China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (CSCLF) and the People’s Government of Dong Xing and supported by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) and Chinese Football Association, was held in Dongxing, Guangxi Autonomous Region. H.E. Mme. She Jing, Vice President of CSCLF, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ACC, Mr. Wei Jixiang, Vice Chairman of Chinese Football Association, Mr. Zhou Shijun, Party Secretary of the CPC Dongxing Municipal Committee, and Mr. Chen Jianlin, Mayor of Dong Xing attended relevant activities and presented awards to the teams.

On 25 February, Party Secretary Zhou Shijun met with the guests and appreciated their attendance at the event. He was confident that the ASEAN-China International Youth Football Tournament would contribute to youth exchanges between ASEAN and China, and further enhance the development of youth football of China.

The aim of holding the Tournament was to promote people-to-people exchanges between ASEAN and China, and build a platform for cultural exchanges, as well as mutually beneficial cooperation between the youths of the two sides. National youth teams of Uzbekistan and Croatia were also invited to attend the Tournament this year. CCTV 5 made live broadcasts for two matches. On the same day, Vice President She Jing and Secretary-General Yang planted the ASEAN-China Youth Friendship Trees with the football teams.