ACC Secretary-General Met with Officials of Dongxing City

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 26 February 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended a Meeting with Mr. Li Jian, Deputy Mayor of Dongxing City and other officials from Department of Education, Department of Culture, Sports, Broadcasting and Television, Department of Tourism, Department of Border Trade, Department of Communication, Department of Health and Family Planning and Department of Port Affairs.

Vice Mayor Li Jian introduced the development of Dongxing and its exchanges and cooperation in various areas with Viet Nam and other ASEAN Member States. He said that Dongxing, as a border city, had taken full advantage of its geographic location and proximity, and actively promoted development in the fields of border trade, tourism, manufacture, e-business etc. He hoped that ACC could continue to support Dongxing’s efforts to deepen cooporation in the above-mentioned areas with ASEAN Member States and help Dongxing further open up.

Secretary-General Yang said that Dongxing had made extensive exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN Member States, especially with Viet Nam, and had achieved significant results. She briefed on ACC’s mandates and its efforts to promote pragmatic corporations between ASEAN and China. She said that ACC would continute to play the role  as a bridge to facilitate exchanges and cooperation between Dongxing and ASEAN Member States, and push forward pragmatic cooporation between the two sides to a new level. On the same day,  Secretary-General Yang visited Dongxing (Viet Nam) Mutual-Market Trading Area and Beilun River Port to get to know the development of border trade and tourism industry in Dongxing.