ACC Secretary-General Attended “An Open China: From Ningxia to the World”---MFA Presenting Chinese Provinces Activity

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 2 March 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping attended “An Open China: From Ningxia to the World” -- MFA Presenting Chinese Provinces Activity upon invitation. 

China’s Foreign Minister H.E. Mr. Wang Yi attended the activity and delivered a keynote speech. He remarked that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should serve China’s national development, create conducive conditions for the opening up of China’s local provinces and build platforms for the Embassies and international organizations in China to know more about today’s China. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was a province with unique features in central and west China. MFA hoped through this activity, the distinguished guests could know better of a real, dynamic and promising Ningxia. MFA looked forward to more exchanges and cooperation between Ningxia and the countries around the world. 

H.E. Mr. Li Jianhua, Party Secretary of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and H.E. Ms. Liu Hui, Chairwoman of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region briefed the audience on the development, features and advantages of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. H.E. Ms. Khek M. Caimealy, Ambassador of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia in China delivered a speech on behalf of the diplomatic Corps. About 500 guests from the Embassies, international organizations, business circles, acdamics and the press attended the activity.