ACC Secretary-General Met with Chairman of ASEAN-China Business Association (Malaysia)

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 9 March 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lim Gait Tong, Chairman of ASEAN-China Business Association (Malaysia) at ACC.

Chairman Lim Gait Tong remarked that, as close neighbors, ASEAN and China were each others’ important trading partners. ASEAN enterprises were encouraged by the “Belt and Road” Initiative made by Chinese Leaders and the ambitious trade and investment targets set by the Leaders of both ASEAN and China. He had long been investing in China, highly valued the huge potential of the Chinese market and would like to continue to make efforts to promote ASEAN-China economic cooperation. He spoke highly of ACC’s contribution to promote ASEAN-China functional cooperation, and hoped to get ACC’s support in his future work.  

Secretary-General Yang briefed on ACC’s work in promoting functional cooperation in the five priority areas of trade, investment, education, culture and tourism. She said that in 2016 ACC would conduct a series of colourful activities to commemorate the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and the Year of ASEAN-China Educational Exchange. She remarked that, as the only inter-governmental organization co-founded by the governments of ASEAN Member States and China, ACC made active efforts in promoting ASEAN-China trade and investment cooperation. ACC would like to enhance its communication with Chairman Lim, to make joint efforts to achieve the target of 1 trillion USD two way trade volume between ASEAN and China by 2020.