ACC JEB Working Group Meeting Held at ACC Secretariat

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 6 April 2016, the Working Group Meeting of the Joint Executive Board (JEB) was held at the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretariat in Beijing.

The Meeting was moderated by Ms. Huang Ying, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division of ACC. Representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the Embassies of ASEAN Members States in Beijing, and the officials in charge of each division of ACC attended the Meeting.

After giving thanks to JEB for its great support to ACC, the officials from different divisions of ACC briefed on the work in 2016 and future plans, and expressed readiness to keep close contact with JEB for the implementation of the Work Programme of ACC for 2016 approved by the Joint Council of ACC. ACC would take the opportunities of the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and the ASEAN-China Year of Educational Exchange to  push forward ASEAN-China functional cooperation.

The participants commended ACC for the positive progresses in trade, investment, education, culture and tourism areas, and pledged continued support to ACC’s work. They also made constructive proposals and suggestions on the future work of ACC.