ACC Secretary-General Met with President of Tianjin International Chinese College

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 8 April 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with President Zhao Hongtao of Tianjin International Chinese College (TICC). 

President Zhao said, with the strong support and facilitation of ACC, the ASEAN-China Chinese Language and Culture Education Base was established at TICC in June 2015. Since its establishment, the Base had been dedicated to providing opportunities to learn Chinese and Chinese culture for students and officials of ASEAN Member States. So far, it had cultivated 100 long-term students of ASEAN countries. Through its pre-university programmes, it had allowed ASEAN students to enter collaborative universities of Tianjin directly for further studies. Moreover, the Base had worked closely with the Tourism Authority of Thailand to train tour guides in Chinese language training and HSK test. The Base had played an active role in ASEAN teachers’ Chinese language training, textbooks construction and HKC test setting in ASEAN countries. 

Secretary-General Yang highly praised TICC’ efforts in Chinese language teaching and Chinese culture training for ASEAN students. She said that national development depended on its people, and education bore the hope of future generations. 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and ASEAN-China Year of Educational Exchange. ACC would continue to play its facilitative role to promote ASEAN-China functional cooperation in education and culture, thus further contribute to the enhancement of ASEAN-China relations. ACC would constantly support TICC’s work, and join hands with TICC to make the Base to achieve even more.