Three Centres Had a Working Meeting with Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 19 April 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) Secretary General H.E. Mr. Masataka Fujita, and ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) Secretary General H.E. Mr. Kim Young-sun, had a Working Meeting with Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Yang Houlan after the 7th Informal Meeting among Secretaries General of ACC, AJC and AKC.

Secretary-General Yang Houlan briefed on the progress of the trilateral cooperation among China, Japan and the Republic of Korea and the mandates of TCS, saying the leaders of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and ASEAN Member States had set the goal of building the East Asian Community. TCS, with a view to facilitating the consensus reached at the 18th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, was willing to further strengthen communication and exchange with ACC, AJC and AKC to carry out projects within the framework of 10+3, especially in the field of people-to-people exchange, so as to boost mutual understanding and lay a solid foundation for public support for all sides. 

Secretaries General of ACC, AKC and AJC welcomed Secretary-General Yang Houlan to attend the meeting. They discussed the proposal of cooperation put forward by TCS. They would continue to explore the possibility of carrying out functional cooperation in the areas of youth affairs, media and tourism in accordance with the mandates of each Centre in a step-by-step and from-easy-to-difficult way.