ACC Secretary-General Met with Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Culture of Thailand

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 27 April 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with H.E. Miss Vimonluck Chuchart, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture of Thailand. Miss Phasporn Sangasubana, Acting Director-General of the Department of ASEAN Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, and Mr. Yang Yang, Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand, attended the meeting.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping said China not only enjoyed the advantage of geographical proximity to ASEAN countries but a strong culture bond that linked the people of both sides. ASEAN and China  attached great importance to the cultural exchange and cooperation. In 2014 ACC organized a series of cultural activities within the framework of the ASEAN-China Cultural Exchange Year. In recent years, the Cultural Centres set up by China in Thailand, Singapore and Lao PDR , together with the first ASEAN Cultural Centre set up in Thailand had significantly enriched the content of ASEAN-China relations.

Secretary-General Yang added that culture was among ACC’s five priorities in line with its mandates. Since its inception, ACC had toured a number of Chinese national-level cultural troupes and artists, including Mr. Liu Xiaolingtong, the famous actor of Monkey King in the TV series “Journey to the West”, in ASEAN countries. They were well received by the ASEAN audiences. 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations.  ACC  would take this opportunity to implement 19 flagship projects, 3 of which were culture-related. In May 2016 ACC would hold a series of events such as art exhibitions and the ASEAN Gourmet Festival in the ASEAN-China Week. In July, ACC would organize an arts troupe from Guangxi Autonomous Region to go to Jakarta for commemorative performances. These activities would bring the hearts of the people of both sides closer and add lustre to the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations. ACC, ever ready to embrace the participation of Thailand in relevant activities, was willing to keep close contact with the Ministry of Culture of Thailand and make joint efforts to strive for new achievements in Thailand-China and ASEAN-China people-to-people exchange.

Miss Vimonluck Chuchart appreciated ACC’s contributions to ASEAN-China cultural exchange, saying that the Ministry of Culture of Thailand set up the ASEAN Cultural Center in Bangkok, the first of its kind by the government of any ASEAN country, with a view to displaying the history, culture, arts and cultural heritage in a comprehensive way. The Ministry hoped to strengthen information communication and experience sharing with ACC and explore joint projects and conduct concrete Thailand-China and ASEAN-China cultural cooperation in more areas  so as to lay a more solid public-opinion foundation for the development of the bilateral relations.