ACC Secretary-General Met with Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Education of Thailand

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 28 April 2016, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with H.E. Associate Professor Kamjorn Tatiyakavee, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education of Thailand.  Miss Phasporn Sangasubana, Acting Director-General of Department of ASEAN Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, officers of the Higher Education Department and Basic Education Department of the Ministry of Education of Thailand, attended the meeting.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping said education cooperation was an important part of ASEAN-China people-to-people exchange. At this crucial stage for the social and economic development of ASEAN and China, high-quality talents were in great demand by all trades and professions. ASEAN and China had huge potentials for educational cooperation. The ASEAN-China Education Cooperation Week (CAECW), which had been held in success for eight consecutive years, had been the most important and widely recognized platform to promote exchange among educational officials, universities and institutions of both sides. In 2015, ASEAN and China had exchanged over 190,000 students. This gave an auspicious sign for the realization of the “Double 100,000 Student Mobility Goal” at an earlier date. There were currently almost 20,000 Thai students studying in China, and more than 30,000 Chinese students in Thailand.

Secretary-General Yang said that 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and the ASEAN-China Year of Educational Exchange. In 2016, ACC would conduct four educational flagship projects focusing on youth exchange, ASEAN students’ activities in China, and vocational education exchange. ACC would also strengthen cooperation with CAECW and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). ACC was ready to work closely with the Ministry of Education of Thailand and SEAMEO, strengthen educational cooperation and youth exchange, and recruit young people to be active participants and promoters of ASEAN-China friendship. 

Associate Professor Kamjorn appreciated ACC’s contributions to ASEAN-China educational exchange, saying that ACC had supported the realization of “Double 100,000 Student Mobility Goal” and played the role in establishing links in youth exchange and friendship. He expressed that the Ministry of Education of Thailand would strengthen communication with ACC and promote cooperation in the fields of higher education, vocational education and basic education so as to work together to cultivate high-quality talents. He expected both sides to consolidate the basis of public-opinions of Thailand-China relations and make new contributions to the further development of ASEAN-China relations.