ACC Participated in China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor Development Forum

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 26 May 2016, the China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor Development Forum was held during the 9th Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum. Mr. Li Yuan, Director of the Trade and Investment Division of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), attended the Forum and participated in the interaction session of the Forum. 

The Forum was hosted by Professor Zhai Kun, Vice President of China Society for Southeast Asian Studies of Peking University. Mr. Zhai Dongsheng, Deputy Director-General, Department of Western Region Development, National Development and Reform Commission of China and Mr. Hu Dongsheng, Deputy Director-General, Department of Processing Trade and Customs Bonded Operation, General Administration of Customs of China, delivered keynote speeches. They introduced the progress made in the building of China-Indochina peninsular economic corridor, and made suggestions for future development. Representatives from China and ASEAN countries including Lao PDR, Myanmar, Cambodia had an active discussion under the topics of “Jointly Build China-Indochina Peninsula International Passage” and “Jointly Facilitate China-Indochina Peninsula Transportation and Customs Clearance”. 

Mr. Li Yuan briefed the Forum on ACC’s mandate. He said that as the inter-governmental organization jointly founded by the governments of China and 10 ASEAN Member States, ACC had a deep understanding of the conditions and demand of both ASEAN and China, and had been making continuous efforts to promote ASEAN-China trade and investment relations. At present, as the global economy was undergoing profound adjustment, the parties should strengthen cooperation, expand the trade and investment volume, promote trade and investment facilitation, focus on the building of the economic corridor and the industrial belt and the Urban Town Groups, and make joint efforts to push the China-Indochina Economic Corridor to a high level.