ACC Secretary-General Attended the Forum of International Capacity Cooperation

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 13 June 2016, the Forum of International Capacity Cooperation co-hosted by China National Development and Reform Committee (NDRC) and Yunnan Provincial Government was held in Kunming. H.E. Mr. Li Jiheng, Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, delivered a speech. H.E. Mr. Ning Jizhe, Vice Chairman of NDRC and Commissioner of National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS) made a keynote speech. More than 200 people representing national governments, enterprises and financial institutions of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and other South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H. E. Mme. Yang Xiuping attended the forum and exchanged views with the guests.

Mr. Li Jiheng pointed out that to promote international capacity and equipment manufacturing cooperation had an important meaning to maintain medium-and-high speed economic growth of China, realize complementarity of advantages among different countries, and promote global economic recovery and sound growth. Yunnan was located in the Southwest part of China as a strategic intersection of the Belt and Road and Yangtze River Economic Belt, and hence had outstanding advantages to push forward international capacity cooperation. Yunnan would make neighbouring countries a priority to promote cooperation in electricity, equipment and manufacturing, metallurgy, chemical industry and building material. It would uphold the principle of “infrastructure goes first while realizing connectivity, enterprises taking the lead with government support for mutual benefits and win-win outcome” to jointly pursue the course of opening up and share the development opportunities with neighboring countries. 

Mr. Ning Jizhe said that promoting China-South Asia and China-Southeast Asia international capacity cooperation would exert a significant impact on strengthening their trade and economic ties and facilitate economic and social development. Insisting on the principles of enterprises as the main body, market operation, pro-innovation and environmental protection, opening and inclusive development, mutual benefits and win-win outcome, China had been actively promoting international capacity cooperation to foster progress with concrete outcome. Industrial sectors in China, South Asia and Southeast Asia should seize the opportunity, expand cooperation scope, improve cooperation level and prioritize main focus areas, so as to lead the international capacity cooperation to new fruition and bring more benefits to the people.

H.E. Mr. Chhuon Dara, State Secretary of Cambodia, H.E. Mr. Khurram Dastagir Khan, Pakistani Minister for Commerce, and H.E. Mr. Amir Hussain Amu, Bangladesh Minister for Industry, introduced apacity cooperation between their own countries and China. They expressed their wish to strengthen communication with China and further improve investment environment to attract more Chinese investors and to achieve win-win.