ACC Secretary-General Attended the Opening Ceremony of the ASEAN-China Forum of Youth and Humanities

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 17 June 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), attended the opening ceremony of the ASEAN-China Forum of Youth and Humanities in Changchun, Jilin Province. The Forum was co-hosted by ACC, Jilin University and the Embassy of Malaysia in China. More than 200 people, including Mr. Chen Gang, Vice President of Jilin University, Dr. Mohd Rozi Ismail, Educational Counsellor of the Embassy of Malaysia in China, officials from the Embassies of Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, ASEAN students in Jilin and Chinese students of Jilin University attended the opening ceremony. 

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping congratulated on the opening of the ASEAN-China Forum of Youth and Humanities. She briefed on the latest development of ASEAN-China relations and ACC’s work in educational area. She said that ASEAN and China were faced with the common task of promoting social-economic development, as well as some common topics in social and humanity fields. Youth were the most vigorous and innovative people. Exchanges of views on common issues between the youth would help cultivate young leaders with global visions and inclusiveness, enhance mutual understanding and friendship, and consolidate the basis of ASEAN-China relations. Supporting youth exchange had been in the forefront of ACC's educational initiatives. ACC would continue to serve governments, educational institutions and students of both sides, bolster education exchange and partnership between the two sides, so as to make new contributions to the ASEAN-China functional cooperation in various fields.

Vice President Chen Gang said that the Forum was the first large cultural activities held by ACC in Northeast China, and it was also one of the series of celebrations of the ASEAN-China Educational Exchange Year and the 70th anniversary of Jilin University. The university had been actively expanding its international exchange and cooperation, and had established partnerships with more than 245 universities, research institutions and international academic organizations of 39 countries and regions. The university had established partnership with universities of Singapore, Thailand, and carried out exchanges with universities and think-tanks of the Philippines and Viet Nam. Youth represented the direction and motivation of the society. He hoped that through frequent exchanges the youth participants could have a deeper understanding of the rich culture and heritage of ASEAN and China, identify and consolidate the cultural basis of co-existence between the two sides, and lay a solid social foundation for the bright future of ASEAN-China relations. 

Dr. Mohd Rozi Ismail commended on the significance of this forum in boosting ASEAN-China youth exchanges, and expressed his appreciation for the great efforts of ACC and Jilin University in hosting this Forum. He delivered a speech with the theme of ASEAN Youth--Vision and Mission on Moving towards 21st Century Education, and introduced his opinion and suggestions to the educational reform in ASEAN and China. He believed that against the backdrop of rapid globalization, young students should enhance their knowledge and skills in culture and humanity, especially foreign languages, cross-culture communication, problem-solving, etc., so as to increase self-confidence in meeting the future. Youth of ASEAN and China should understand their historical responsibilities, and increase mutual understanding, mutual respect and friendship through constant exchanges.

Ms. Bounheng Siharath, First Secretary of the Embassy of Lao PDR in China, representatives of ASEAN and Chinese students in Jilin University gave remarks during the opening ceremony. They commented that the Forum and similar activities would be helpful to enhance mutual understanding between the young students of ASEAN and China.